*UPDATED FEBRUARY 2025* THE MULLIS MIRAGE: The FACTS about KARY MULLIS (by a longtime dissident who was THERE)
Kary Mullis was a MAGICIAN who performed some really big SLEIGHTS OF HAND on our "AIDS" dissident movement! Mullis was NO HERO for us dissidents!
Please see my latest article on Kary Mullis at THIS LINK .
I have found ONE original recording I did- a “review” of Kary Mullis- from circa August/September of 2023. that I have managed to RECOVER! This was another “chat” that I had with a friend from the present-day “novirus” movement.
WARNING: The following audio clip contains *HARSH LANGUAGE*! I am a freakin’ POTTY MOUTH, so don’t say I did not WARN YOU!
The conversation in the following audio clip BEGINS AT AROUND the 1:33 time mark. Feel free to continue reading the text below after you have listened to the audio clip. Here is this audio clip:
NO review of Kary Mullis would be complete without THIS DOCUMENT. In fact, you should review it at your earliest convenience.. That document does erroneously state that Mullis “testified” in the Parenzee case, but that wasn’t quite true. As can clearly be seen from Mullis’ OWN CV on his web site, Kary Mullis made a habit of participating in court cases as an expert witness. The Parenzee case, however, was a little different. For more information on that, I have written a new post about Mullis with additional information about him and his efforts in our old “AIDS” dissident movement. Please see THIS LINK. I DISCUSS some of these issues surrounding Kary Mullis in a podcast from December, 2023 which I’ve just posted at THIS LINK
I also feel the need to remind everyone that, UNLIKE others who are in the current dissident or so-called “novirus” movements, I am NOT making ANY money from ANY of my activities on these issues! That INCLUDES this substack which is FREE for ALL readers.
There are a couple MORE UPDATES I have added to the text of my original post below. So, please continue reading if you want to see them. :-) And please feel free to check back here often since I do updates on my posts on a regular basis….
Unfortunately, this post has become a necessity. I don’t enjoy doing this to people who continue to be in many cases widely regarded as heroes. However, at the same time, I’m not going to sit back and let people who should know better continue to MISINTERPRET the history of -and quotes said by key leaders from- our old “AIDS” dissident movement!
This article is devoted to my analyses and opinions on the late Dr. Kary Mullis and his efforts in our “AIDS” dissident movement.
I really should point out that, despite his "dissident" bravado, Mullis always dutifully gave the "AIDS" establishment everything they needed to continue the "HIV" fraud! He did so by always allowing for the existence of the phantom "HIV". Along those lines, I also forgot to mention that Mullis' one and ONLY orthodox paper on so-called "HIV" was actually the original paper that was published describing the first use of PCR for "HIV"! It is available at this link here.
(In this paper, Mullis and colleagues interestingly noted their observation "that some samples scored positive with only one of the two primer pairs" they used for purportedly “detecting” so-called "HIV”!)
Mullis' OWN application for the PATENT for the PCR which was discussed in the audio recording above is at this link HERE
As I noted in my recorded comments linked above, Mullis performed what has perhaps become his greatest and now most notable sleight of hand when he made some comments (at a 1997 seminar which I helped to PRODUCE!) which have been misinterpreted by 21st century idiots. These claims that Mullis purportedly stated that PCR “cannot be used to diagnose” disease or viral infections specifically (the misinterpretations vary depending on the idiots doing the misinterpreting) are not supported by Mullis own written works. First, on page 20 of the link above, Mullis states in his own patent application: "The method herein may also be used to enable detection and/or characterization of specific nucleic acid sequences associated with infectious diseases"
and on page 21 at the link above:
"The combination of specific DNA amplification by the present method and the use of stably labeled probes could provide the convenience and sensitivity required to make the Falkow and Ward procedures useful in a routine clinical setting." (Falkow and Ward are referring to other procedures for diagnosing infectious diseases)
and also on page 21:
"Specific amplification of suspected sequences prior to immobilization and hybridization detection of the DNA samples could greatly improve the sensitivity and specificity of these procedures (for diagnosing infectious diseases)"
Furthermore, something that even I have neglected to emphasize in ALL of my numerous and repeated (neigh now fucking DAILY, it seems) rebuttals to this Mullis nonsense is concerning the two "seropositive" diagnosed people who were seated *RIGHT BESIDE MULLIS* that day on the dais at that 1997 seminar which I helped to produce. One is DEAD. I’m referring to my old boss Christine Maggiore who was ALWAYS a STALWART supporter of DUESBERG (and who was then pregnant at that seminar). Maggiore FREAKIN' DIED in 2008! The other one -the gay guy- FLIPPED sides and very PUBLICLY DEFECTED to the orthodoxy WITHIN TWO YEARS! He threw a hissy fit and spoke to "POZ" magazine about his defection from the "AIDS" dissident movement in 1999!!
Back to Mullis and “his” PCR: There are some sources from the establishment which delve into the origins of the PCR and its early days. First, there is THIS ONE.
The book "Making PCR" by Paul Rabinow which I mentioned and which is cited in the article at the link above is also another source from a mainstream perspective that still contains some interesting information. As I said in the space, Mullis went AWOL from the "AIDS" dissident movement just as his book was getting published (circa 1998 and after) , so, I still insist that Mullis may have had ulterior motives for inserting himself into our dissident movement in the FIRST place (see this link here).
Speaking OF THAT 1998 book that Mullis wrote, in it Mullis himself affirms once again for the whole world to see that PCR “would be valuable in diagnosing genetic diseases by looking into a person's genes. It would find infectious diseases by detecting the genes of pathogens that were difficult or impossible to culture…" (page 105). In other words, Mullis still believed the same things he stated in his patent application from 10 years earlier, i.e., that PCR CAN BE USED FOR DIAGNOSTICS, even for “infectious diseases”.
As I mentioned during the space, Mullis spent the last decade or so of his life working on yet another VERY ORTHODOX concept of "re-targeting" antibodies of all things…!!…Mullis started a new biotech company to research this concept, and he and his team managed to get a paper published in a peer-reviewed journal about this. It is at this link here.
Furthermore, Mullis' team was also working on an application of this concept for the Flu! In fact, Mullis' OWN statements about a particular "Flu virus" which were made MUCH more RECENTLY than ANY of his "dissident-leaning" statements really show Mullis' true colors as a fellow believer in viruses:
"...Mullis’ vision includes H5M1, which is likely to prove disastrous. 'The flu has been living with humans for a long time. And it looks like about every once or twice every century, there is an epidemic. If there is going to be a worldwide epidemic of H5M1, it’s just a matter of time – and this time is likely to be worse than last time,' is Mullis’ grim prediction" (from this link here).
Additional links as follows:
My bio is always available here
Another SHARP ANALYSIS of Kary Mullis (by Jamie Andrews)
The PCR, Gene Sequencing and Genetics Fraud - Jamie Andrews
DNA Discovery, Extraction and Structure. A Critical Review - By Tam
Please read everything above with an OPEN MIND, and please feel free to spread this post! THANK YOU!